Thursday, March 21, 2013

Isabel M Celis

This beautiful little girl pictured above was born Aug 27th 2005.A precious gift given to her parents from God. Coming home late around 11pm her father put her to bed in her bedroom and went to sleep on the couch. On the morning of Apr 21th 2012 her mother got up and went to work around 7am.She didn’t check on her, A little later her father decided to wake her and discovered an empty bed. The screen to the bedroom window had been removed. He dialed 911.The search for little Isabel M Celis began. Police searched Neighbors homes, waterways, drainage systems and a nearby land field. The search extended into Mexico with full cooperation were hotels, bus terminals and local businesses were searched. A happy little 6 year old who had lost one bottom tooth and one top tooth, who had her ears pierced, been to Kindergarten and went by the nickname Isa disappeared into this large world. She was last seen at 11:30 pm on Apr 20th 2012 wearing a blue tank top and navy blue shorts in Tucson Arizona. She is Hispanic, has lite brown hair, and hazel eyes. She was 6 years old when she was taken from her loving family, 44lbs 3 foot 8 inches. If you have any knowledge of were Isa may be or have seen her please call 1-800-843-5678 or contact your local police This child needs your help Copy Right Donna Hale 2013 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States License.

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